
Come join us at Natura Resources, a performance oriented advanced reactor developer that provides the opportunity for individuals to work on the leading edge of advanced reactor development and deployment.

Sr. Licensing Engineer

The Senior Licensing Engineer supports both the licensing of the Molten Salt Research Reactor (MSRR) at Abilene Christian University (ACU) and licensing of Natura’s commercial liquid-fuel molten salt reactors.

A well-qualified individual for this position will be able to work alongside the highly motivated team in the Natura Resources Research Alliance to coordinate interaction with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and oversee licensing efforts.

Administrative Assistant

The Administrative Assistant supports the executive and engineering teams at Natura Resources.

A well-qualified individual for this position will be able to work alongside the highly motivated team in the Natura Resources Research Alliance as well as our engineering and fabrication partners.

Licensing Engineer

The Licensing Engineer supports both the licensing of the Molten Salt Research Reactor (MSRR) at Abilene Christian University (ACU) and licensing of Natura’s commercial liquid-fuel molten salt reactors.

A well-qualified individual for this position will be able to work alongside the highly motivated team in the Natura Resources Research Alliance to coordinate interaction with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and oversee licensing efforts.

Sr. Mechanical Engineer

The Senior Mechanical Engineer supports the detailed design of Natura's 1MWth MSR system as well as the development of Natura's 250MWth small modular MSR systems.

A well-qualified individual for this position will be able to work alongside the highly motivated team in the Natura Resources Research Alliance as well as our engineering and fabrication partners.

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