Designing & deploying liquid-fueled molten salt reactors to power the sustainable energy revolution.
We don’t need more promises
We need performance
The world is on a mission to reduce carbon emissions by shifting from coal and natural gas to carbon-free energy. Wind and solar energy work great when the wind is blowing and the sun is shining, but our cities and industries need a backbone of reliable, 24/7 energy. Nuclear power is our best option.
The Science and Engineering Research Center (SERC)
Construction began on the Science and Engineering Research Center (SERC) in March of 2022 and was completed in August of 2023. The SERC is the first advanced reactor demonstration facility built in the U.S. outside of a national lab and will be the site of Natura Resources' first advanced reactor deployment.
In less than 5 years, we've become a governmentally recognized advanced nuclear development company leading the nation in the design and deployment of liquid-fueled molten salt reactors to power the next generation of nuclear energy.